The need for two incomes makes most parents of Darwin find daycare, Darwin an essential requirement. Single parents also find it vital for their young ones to attend daycare, Darwin while working at the same time.
Daycare, Darwin has been found to provide the perfect solution for working parents. Other than convenience, parents also know that having their children attend daycare provides them long-lasting social, academic, and economic advantages.
Numerous childhood education studies consistently show that a daycare environment provides multiple benefits to children ages from 4 months to four years. Here’s why:
Structured activities
A structured set of activities is provided for every child attending daycare. Daycares provide a timetable of structured activities for children ranging from storytelling, games, and songs.
The scheduled activities become more essential for the intellectual development and growth of toddlers. A marked improvement in children’s behaviour at the end of the day brought on by the structured activities is the most satisfying factor for parents.
Academic learning
A high-quality daycare provides top academic learning skills to children. Children achieving higher scores in cognitive tests when raised in top daycare centres have been consistently revealed in multiple studies.
The support and care provided by top daycare facilities ensure cognitive-boosting activities and extensive interaction with teachers.
Time with peers
The supervised, structured, and safe setting provided by good daycare facilities allow children time with peers. Interacting with age-mates is essential for developing social and emotional skills in young children.
Personalities of children attending the daycare are boosted as they learn the proper way of sharing, learning with a group, do problem-solving, and playing.
Learn positive interaction with other adults
Parents are usually the first adult interaction of children. Exposing children to other adults is by way of daycare centres. Children attending a daycare get to interact with teachers and care providers that are there to guide and provide important cognitive, emotional, and social skills.
Children being taught the proper way of respecting authority figures learn and practice this later in formal education.
Smoother transition to kindergarten
Being used to structured learning settings allow a smoother transition to children transitioning to kindergarten. The skills learned in daycare allow children to become confident with their independence the minute they attend kindergarten.
Prepares them for kindergarten
Kindergarten used to be the first learning stage for young children. However, the problem of working parents has encouraged the creation of daycare facilities.
Daycare facilities providing care and preschool learning skills to very young children has filled an essential need. This has also raised the standards of kindergarten acceptance.
Kindergarten readiness has become the norm rather than the form. Many kindergarten facilities today subject children to a series of tasks to test their readiness. This includes a child being able:
- to count from 1-20 without skipping on a number
- to know all the letters of the alphabet and say it loud without skipping on a letter
- to go to the bathroom without the assistance of a teacher
- to follow instructions
- to know the basic colours and shapes
Separation anxiety issues are avoided when a child attends daycare at a young age. Yet, daycare facilities are not created equal. Parents must vet several daycare centres before finally choosing the best one suitable for their needs. Contact us at Darwins Insight Early Learning to know more about us.